Monday, 17 March 2008

The lead up to Christmas

Since September, I have been working tirelessly to learn new skills and put them into practise, whether in exams or placement opportunities.

Writing for PR

I particularly enjoyed this module as I have previously found writing as a weakness. It has taught me a number of key things.
  • To be more consise.
  • Avoid jargon and big 'fancy' words (it's not big and it's not clever!)
  • Helped me with grammatical errors e.g. knowing when government should be in capital letters, and when it should be used in lower case.
  • Gain a better structure to my work, cutting out any unneccessary waffle!

PR Theory

This has been by far the most challenging module so far. Despite its variety and interesting nature, I have found it particularly difficult to implement theories into my work. Furthermore, being such a big module, I found it difficult to balance this module with the modules working alongside. Thankfully I had a saving grace when it came to exam time. A combination of group and individual revision enabled me to soar through the exam.

"Fail to prepare, prepare to fail."

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