Monday 17 March 2008

Group Work

This has been a major talking point throughout this year. Despite gaining good results, group work infuriates me. The fact that one person does the majority of the work and gets the same grade as a person who does relatively nothing is a little bewildering. The marking scheme needs to be addressed and adjusted to achieve equality!

However, ironically the process has worked the other way. After calling several meetings with a group, certain individuals take it on themselves to do work without discussing the elements with the group. Everyone needs their portfolio filling, but do you really need to resort to selfish means to do this? It's a group effort. As the saying goes, "There is no I in team." And before you clever ones say, but there's a ME that's rubbish!

On the plus side, group interaction has helped develop relationships within the group and improve the way I look at things. With so many angles to take on a number of issues, it is important to take on the views of fellow group members. This aspect of discussion has improved my critical thinking significantly.

"Glory built on selfish principles, is shame and guilt."

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